Ok, skipping the pics for now. Maybe later. I've been in Paris now for 2 days or so, and I am reminded how much I enjoy the city. The food is great (though the French folks I'm with say it's horrible) and I really enjoy the different-ness of european cities and culture. As a visitor, I can still say it's one of my favorite places on earth. I'm sure that if I lived here, I'd feel differently. Here are some of the interesting tidbits:
- My hotel room is small. Not as small as the hotel room in NYC but small
- The bed is a short twin bed. My feet hang over a good 5 inches over the end.
- The toilet stall in the bathroom is REALLY narrow. I have perhaps 2 inches of space on either side of my shoulders.
- The bathroom also has a bidet that faces the toilet and is maybe 10 inches from the front of the toilet seat.
- If i sit on the bidet facing the wall, my right calf gets caught between the bidet an the wall.
- Because I'm on the top floor of my section of the building, all of the walls slope in a few degrees, including the wall the bathroom mirror is on. It's strange to look up at your face in a bathroom mirror.
- The restaurant I had dinner at last night had a sign about halfway through the restaurant that said no dogs beyond this point.
- The elevators are tiny and ground floor is either G or zero.
- There are mini coopers everywhere. I miss my car.
- The other cars are shaped funny and tiny. I miss my car.
- The drivers are crazy. I miss my car.
- Eating is an adventure. I guess often, and am surprised by what I get. This place is not for the picky eater.
- I didn't even consider that it would be a good idea for me to bring a jacket. It's raining here. I'm going to be in Europe through the end of October.
- My phone still works, but it's mucho expensive.
- French breakfast consists of a baguette, yogurt, and coffee. Cigarettes, if you smoke.
Ok, enough rambiling. Maybe some pictures later!