Duane's little web log

Just some space where I can rant and express myself, and share come cool links!

Friday, November 17, 2006

All about poo... 

If talk about poo offends you, you may want to move on.

I was in the loo thinking about euphemisms for defecation. The one I prefer is "going to see a man about a horse", second only to "going to think about something." I was then musing that "#1" and "#2" is rather unimagninitave when it comes to potty training your kids. In my mind I could see being at a BBQ and having junior come running up saying "Daddy, I need to talk to a man about a hooooorse." To which I'd reply " You know where the stall is, do you need any help with the papers?" To which junior would reply "No thank you" and run off.

ahhh. the little world in my mind.

In looking for other fun euphamisms, I found this site. It's rather entertaining.
posted by Duane  # 7:10 AM


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