Duane's little web log

Just some space where I can rant and express myself, and share come cool links!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Near death experience 

My kitty had a near death experience this morning, and being clueless as ever, she didn't even know about it.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning, and while still groggy, I heard the ker-thump of my cat jumping down off of something. Those of you that own cats know that different heights and floorings sound different, so you can tell the difference between say getting off of the bed and getting off of the kitchen counter. This one sounded different. It was higher than the bed and sounded like it came from the office.... Oh HELL no. I disabled the alarm and went into the office to discover that my stupid little cat has eaten HALF of my brand new plant. She's lucky she knew to hide. She's luckier she knew to hide long enough for me to cool off.

I'm still quite irked and trying to figure out how I can have nice green plants in my office that aren't available to be kitty food.

Let me just tell you here and now kitty (because I know that telling you here is as good as telling you to your face - stupid short term memory) my plants are NOT your food. If they make you sick and throw up all over the place, the only sympathy I'll have for you is for your stupidity.


Ok, back to our regular programming.
posted by Duane  # 9:36 AM


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