Duane's little web log

Just some space where I can rant and express myself, and share come cool links!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I just spent the last two hours tossing and turning trying to get to sleep, and I was all worked up over a meeting tomorrow morning during which I am sure I am going to get grilled about something I have no control over. I am sure the customer is going to be unhappy, and the call is going to be rather uncomfortable. I got up and emailed my boss asking for his support on the call, and on my way back to bed I noticed the stars out my bathroom window. I took a moment to reflect, and came to realize that in the grand scheme of things, none of the things I'm busy stressing over really matter. The worst possible scenario that I'm facing is that I might lose my job if this project really goes south. It's very unlikely, but it IS the the extreme of the worst that could happen. The funny thing is that losing this job wouldn't actually be that bad. I am stressed out and burnt out and could really use a break. The big realization that hit me was that the stars could give a crap about our planet, let alone my stresses and my project. What matters more than anything else is that I am alive. I have people I love in my life. I am blessed in ways so numerous that I can't possibly count them, and most importantly I have the love of GOD. Next to that, the struggles and strifes of my life are but trifles. I can put my burdens down, stand tall, breathe deep and easy, and relax. The burdens I choose to pick up again are significantly lighter now that a fresh perspective has been gained. Time for rest.
posted by Duane  # 12:09 AM


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