Duane's little web log

Just some space where I can rant and express myself, and share come cool links!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Feels Like Home 

There are only a handful of places on this spinning ball of space dust that feel like home to me. Today I spent some time at one of them. In times of turmoil, it's good to get in touch with your roots. This place represents part of mine. A firm foundation, one would say. This is the song they have sung at the end of each day of camp for over 80 years: We will be building, for the years to come, on firm foundations, of our school at Cove. Strength to go on, until thy work is done, taking all tasks as measures of thy love. Help us to build the church at thy command. Unbroken circle, here we take our stand.
They still run camps for kids preschool age through high school. Every summer. This place has touched the hearts of thousands, and in that, it has had an incredible ministry.
posted by Duane  # 5:07 PM


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