Duane's little web log

Just some space where I can rant and express myself, and share come cool links!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I've been a PC guy for ever. I haven't been anti-mac, I just haven't seen the point of switching.

For the last couple of years (yes years) my PC has been acting up. Sometimes when I open files or launch apps, it takes 2 minutes or more to open the file/app. I have tried numerous things including replacing most of the hardware, and refreshing the OS multiple times. No joy. A couple of Sundays ago I decided that enough is enough. I need to buy a new computer. Not build a new computer, buy one, that someone else built, and that I can get on the phone when it's not working. As I was thinking of who to buy from, I thought to myself, why not buy a Mac? I couldn't think of a reason why not to.

I contemplated this idea some more on Monday and decided on Monday evening that I was going to give this Mac thing a shot. I went to the Mac store in Emeryville and picked up the cheapest box they had. A Mac Mini for about $600. Apple has a 14 day return policy with a 10% restocking fee. I figured that if I didn't like the Mac in 14 days, or came up with a showstopper issue, that I'd take it back and it would have only cost me $60 to try it out. There aren't too many places you can "rent" a new computer for 14 days for $60.

Over the course of the week, I downloaded some apps, and tried things out. I verified that my bluetooth keyboard and mouse would work, and that in general it was going to suit my needs. I was talking to my workout buddy Doug, and was contemplating that if I was going to return the mini for a bigger mac, that perhaps I could talk the store manager into waiving the restocking fee. It turns out that Doug knows the manager of another nearby store, and he introduced me to him later that day.

On Saturday I decided to pull the trigger. I went into the Mac store, and had them assemble machine. (A dual 3.0GHz dual-core machine with 4GB of ram, bluetooth and wireless) I had to go home and get the mini to trade it in, but in addition to waiving the restocking fee, he gave me the friends and family discount. VERY cool. After about a week of using this shiny (well matte, really) new mac, I decided that my two 20" widescreen displays weren't going to cut it anymore. I opted for the 30" apple cinema display. Since I hooked it up, I have been enamored. The screen is SO detailed and the colors are SO bright and vibrant.

It is sad (and very geeky) to say that I think I'm in love.

To continue the geekiness, I'm still waiting for the raid array to come in the mail, so I haven't completed the great data migration yet. I am looking forward to consolidating all of my disparate data storage, and get things cleaned, organized, and backed up. It's a lot like waiting for a new filing cabinet to come in the mail so you can finally see your desk again, and find the things you want to find, speaking of which, I need to do that too. :)

Anyway, that's the update. I've switched from a windows PC to a Mac. It's doing everything I want it to do. It's significantly faster, and the display is absolutely beautiful. Of course I still have other windows machines around, and use them on a regular basis, but my main machine is a Mac.

I will do my best to be an enthusiastic user, but not a zealot. If become one, smack me.

posted by Duane  # 3:06 PM


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