Duane's little web log
Just some space where I can rant and express myself, and share come cool links!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Strange - but hopeful
I found
this to be an interesting article. In this area of Pakistan, people celebrate the coming of string by flying kites. Grownups,
families. To make it interesting, they use glass coated string or razor wire. People get hurt, people get killed. Flying kites. Kites. Strange. I guess I'll
chalk it up to cultural differences.
Monday, February 26, 2007
For those who use feeds...
I have added a feed link at the bottom of the page. That's one of the downsides of not using one of the standard templates. You don't get the cool new stuff when they add it. :^)
So I'm at my desk working diligently, and I get up to grab the last soda from the fridge. When I get back to my chair, there's a 3/4" slug squirming around on the arm of the chair. I've been sitting in that chair for at least 45 minutes, and I was outside maybe an hour and a half ago. That means that little guy was squirming around on my shirt for at least that long. Yuck! I get the shivers even thinking about it. Despite my my immediate desire to squash the little guy into oblivion, I knew I'd have to clean it up, so I got a business card and got him back out to the great outdoors. I still have the willies thinking about how long that little guy was on me... leaving a trail, no doubt. yuck.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
juuuuuust a little dusty

It's amazing the volume of dust you can create sanding joint compound with a random orbital sander. Take a look at the safety glasses i took off after i was done. It's a very good thing i was wearing a ventilator.
oh happy day

The people with the annoying dog on my back fence have moved out and the house is on the market. Let's hope the new owners can show the place some love. It really needs it... That and let's hope they don't have a dog. :)
Friday, February 23, 2007
hey, now THERE'S an idea...

Why don't you just take it apart and clean the oil off that you put on.... DUH
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I strongly
recommend that if you decide that your Rubik's cube is a little sticky, DO NOT lubricate it with 3 in 1 oil. Save that stuff for things that are supposed to smell like a
petroleum product. My hands are not intended to smell that way.
siiiigh. I'm ordering a new cube today.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Smells wonderful

Who would have thought that I would grow to appreciate houseplants?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What you can't see here is the paper. It's filling the back seat, the back window, the passenger seat, the dash, and even the instrument cluster. Seriously babe, let the paper go.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Close one

So here I am, standing in the shower drying off, checking out the mess of my bathroom (pictured here) I shift a little and feel something cold against my back, I turn to look, slip, grab the shower curtain rod, it holds my weight for about a nanosecond, then i'm falling towards the mess in this picture. Fortunately I regained my balance before I crahsed, but still. I'm glad I still have the smooth moves of my youth. What was the cold thing? The handicapped bar installed by a previous owner. Now if only I grabbed that instead of the curtain rod...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The happiest place on earth...

Is not disneyland today. It's all about the Sunday afternoon super chicken, black beans, sour cream burrito at gordos on college. Heaven.
Friday, February 09, 2007
I'll take one in
blue please.... Let me just get my checkbook.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Who has self esteem issues?
Saturday, February 03, 2007
and here we have the water bottle...
Trump tower

Trump tower grille, trump's ice cream parlor, trump's kitchen, trump's bar, in the moichendaising case we have trump the book(s), trump the rings, trump the ties, trump the watches, trump the chocolate bar (one stamped in the shape of a gold bar with TRUMP embossed on the top and the other a large chocolate T), and to top it off, trump the water bottle. I keep looking for trump the flamethrower, but I haven't seen it yet. Perhaps i'll find it in the back with trump the toilet seat. Methinks "The Donald" is compensating for more than his bad hair. Here's a picture of the indoor waterfall. Imagine the lovely sound of falling water accompanied by a too-loud-to-be-subtle instrumental show tunes soundtrack. Phantom of the opera, sound of music, oklahoma, you get the picture. Add the 90's polished brass, mirror and burgundy marble motif, and you have just a lovely relaxing environment.... in hell. (ok to be fair, I did find myself singing along to the occasional showtune)
Friday, February 02, 2007
ok, now I feel better
So one of the very senior guys at the customer I'm working for says: "Where are you staying?" I reply "The Pierre" He says "Wow, I hope we're not paying for that."
"Actually, you are, but's reasonable at $285/night." It's good to know that your customer is putting you up at a nice place while you're traveling for them. :)
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